Did you know you can help your pet’s health just by adding 1/2 tsp parsley to his or her food? Add in 1/2 hard-boiled egg and 1 tsp of goat’s yogurt and you are started adding some live, vital foods to your pet’s diet. You can learn to make vitamin powder from my website (under nutrition from ground sunflower seeds,… Read more →
Changing foods safely. How to wean on to a better diet.
Weaning pets off and on foods can be a challenge but there is so much to know about this subject! Kibble fed dogs switching to raw requires a great change within each liver cell and within the entire mucosal layer of the GI tract. Did you know when we change foods we change the type of good bacteria in the… Read more →
‘The Holistic Cat: A Healthier Path’ March 7th, 7-9pm Fairhaven Library (Bellingham, WA)
Join Dr. Donna for an evening of learning about holistic treatments and preventative care for cats! She’ll be discussing how to prevent common feline problems and diseases, and sharing valuable holistic at-home cat care tips. Ample time will be provided for Q&A following the presentation, and attendees will receive a handout of Dr. Donna’s Feline Wellness Tips (including important info… Read more →
Talk on Holistic pet care “How to help your pet live a healthier life”
Come join me for a talk and slideshow on Feb 11th 10 am-12 pm. The focus will be on small dogs and cats and we expect a full house. It’s at the Fairhaven library in the Fireplace room so we expect a full house so arrive early! Donation is 10$ Time for questions at the end. Read more →
Dr. Donna teaching at the International Herbal Symposium!
This June 9-11, I hope you can make it to Norton Massachusetts to join me, Rosemary Gladstar, Christopher Hobbs, Guido Masse, Dr. Lowdog and others to help spread the word about herbal medicine! It’s a human conference but there is a veterinary tract that anyone can attend! I am presenting Pacific Northwest Plants and Skin infections in dogs and cats.… Read more →
Healing despair
I have been wondering about despair lately. When despair spreads throughout the hearts of many people, there is a singular connection, a higher force that takes hold and starts to dissolve it slowly. We are all connected into the deep mycelium beneath our soil, we have a calm knowingness that can take over at times like these and show our… Read more →
Radio interview at 12:15 on October 22 Pacific time Join us!
Dr. Ihor Basko has a wonderful radio show “Dr B Holistic vet” and I will be his guest today! please join us as we talk about holistic healing for pets and herbal medicine. Go to the radio show to stream it! http://www.kkcr.org See you on the radio! Read more →
Help itchy skin, digestion and other immune problems
On October 30th at 4-5:30 pm, I will be sharing several important tips on how to prevent immune mediated diseases. We are not selling any products. This way we can concentrate on the knowledge you need to know to be preventative and proactive. I want to share photos and videos of my cases with you over the past twenty years.… Read more →
WEBINAR: Immune-Mediated Disease (October 30, 4:00pm PST)
Immune-mediated and autoimmune diseases are becoming an epidemic in America today, both in humans and pets. Many people are unaware that these diseases may be connected to their pet’s chronic issues with allergies, arthritis, IBD and other inflammatory diseases. While in some cases traditional medicine may offer relief of discomfort by suppressing acute symptoms, the results are typically short-lived and… Read more →
Feline hyperthyroidism
Even taking methimazole daily, Lilly’s thyroid level was over 20. She is eighteen years old and for over a year, her T4 level remained at 20 times normal levels. Regular vets recommended radiation. She howled at night and twitched with mini seizures. Herbs for 2 weeks brought her T4 to 3 and her symptoms are better too. Without increasing her… Read more →
Kayaking the Broken Islands, BC
Jeff and I just got back from the Broken islands, BC trip. As many of you know, we have been kayak camping for over fifteen years on the West coast of Vancouver island and the San Juan Islands. The good news is we saw a small group of sea lions, some seals, a few grey whales and some porpoises but… Read more →
VBMA teaching our holistic veterinarians about plants!
Nature gives us so much: our medicine and our food and our spirit allies. By preserving natural places, we can help her too. Here I am leading a plant walk teaching about elder, devil’s club, yellow dock, the ancient ferns. Read more →
Bailey’s cancerous lymph node reduced!
Bailey was diagnosed with aggressive oral melanoma and had a partial maxillary removal 6 months ago. No chemo or radiation but lots of herbs! She went into 6 months of remission but left lymph node was large and about 4 times normal size. Her person and I picked cleavers, she made a tea and after 6 days her lymph node… Read more →
Update on Ryder, the 15 year-old Akita
An update on Ryder the 15 year old Akita. After a scare of vomiting and possibly UTI with urgency, she is normal again! Her blood work is normal (yes normal kidneys and liver!). Here is what her Mom reported today: “I really think that the acupuncture and chiropractic work you do on a monthly basis is the main reason that… Read more →
Blanca’s skin better!
For many months, Blanca’s skin allergies and secondary yeast infection (black colored) was treated with western medicine: Ketoconazole, antibiotics, steroids and Apoquell, but her immune system adapted until she became resistant. With single protein rotation, herbs to control the yeast, and only 5 NAET visits, we have discontinued treatments because she no longer needed them. Here is what… Read more →
Another problem with our pharmaceutical fall-out:
This was just released from the DEA: After collecting and destroying 5.5 million pounds–2,762 tons–of unused prescription drugs in the past 5 years, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is continuing its efforts to take back unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications. The DEA invites the public to bring their potentially dangerous, unwanted medicines to one of over 5,000 collection… Read more →
Koal: Schipperke with a mission to heal the liver
Koal is a ten year old Schipperke with years of liver trouble. Three months ago, his ALP (liver enzyme indicating stagnation) was almost 4,000 (normal is under 100) and his people had seen the number increase rapidly over the last year. Ultrasound revealed severe fibrosis, scar tissue blocking hepatic circulation. Diet, herbs and acupuncture to the rescue! Eight weeks after… Read more →
Tino demonstrates how to make a Vegan High Protein loaf!
HI everyone! Back by popular demand! Vegan chef Tino, the cutest rescued pony in the world, demonstrates how to make a yummy high protein vegan loaf. Here is his recipe. Please share! Vegan Protein LoafThis is a doubled recipe so you can freeze one loaf and cook the other. 6 tbsp olive oil 2 large onions chopped fine 6 garlic… Read more →
Precious: Small dog allergies cured in 2 sessions!
Precious is a little girl with allergies that we cleared up in two visits. After identifying her chicken and grass allergies, we changed her diet and worked on the grass with NAET and herbs. Here is a before and after! Took her off all medications too. Read more →
Protested Donkey basketball last night
The protest went really well last night. The ferndale police and high school officials were very nice to us but would not let us be near the parking lot. I am carrying the sign on the left that says “Veterinarians Against Donkey Basketball” and drivers had to turn right by us on the way to the event. We got nasty… Read more →