Category: Herbal therapies

Back from the rainforest full of beauty and medicine!
Just back from Osa Pennisula, Guaria retreat center, Costa Rica with Jonathon Miller Weisberger and here are some of the plants I met. As long as the rainforests live, the medicine lives. Which one of these flowers is mangosteen? Which flower gave us the chemotherapy Vincristine? Read more →

Talk on Holistic pet care “How to help your pet live a healthier life”
Come join me for a talk and slideshow on Feb 11th 10 am-12 pm. The focus will be on small dogs and cats and we expect a full house. It’s at the Fairhaven library in the Fireplace room so we expect a full house so arrive early! Donation is 10$ Time for questions at the end. Read more →

Dr. Donna teaching at the International Herbal Symposium!
This June 9-11, I hope you can make it to Norton Massachusetts to join me, Rosemary Gladstar, Christopher Hobbs, Guido Masse, Dr. Lowdog and others to help spread the word about herbal medicine! It’s a human conference but there is a veterinary tract that anyone can attend! I am presenting Pacific Northwest Plants and Skin infections in dogs and cats.… Read more →

Healing despair
I have been wondering about despair lately. When despair spreads throughout the hearts of many people, there is a singular connection, a higher force that takes hold and starts to dissolve it slowly. We are all connected into the deep mycelium beneath our soil, we have a calm knowingness that can take over at times like these and show our… Read more →

VBMA teaching our holistic veterinarians about plants!
Nature gives us so much: our medicine and our food and our spirit allies. By preserving natural places, we can help her too. Here I am leading a plant walk teaching about elder, devil’s club, yellow dock, the ancient ferns. Read more →

Bailey’s cancerous lymph node reduced!
Bailey was diagnosed with aggressive oral melanoma and had a partial maxillary removal 6 months ago. No chemo or radiation but lots of herbs! She went into 6 months of remission but left lymph node was large and about 4 times normal size. Her person and I picked cleavers, she made a tea and after 6 days her lymph node… Read more →

Yarrow for cardiovascular strength
Did you know yarrow is a powerful medicine for both animals and people? It is great for healing wounds topically and as a powerful diaphoretic (bringing heat from the core to the skin) but did you know it is a good heart medicine too? Probably because it can move blood and adjust circulation. I sat with one this summer and… Read more →