A close up of the letter k in front of some rocks

Pet Acupuncture: Alternative Medicine Benefits Family Cats

With two cat carriers in hand,Lynn Graham steps into Donna Kelleher’s office at Whole Pet Vet in Bellingham for her cats’ bi-monthly appointment. Kelleher places Graham’s eldest cat, 19-year-old Shadow, on the carpeted table in her office, greeting her with a generous pet-down before she begins the treatment. She then inserts one tiny needle at a time into Shadow’s dark,… Read more →

A small dog sitting on the ground looking up at the camera.

Acupuncture for a Ruptured CCL

Chika is a 13 year old Chihuahua. She is such a nice girl and allows me acupuncture her knees.  She ruptured her right cruciate ligament (like the ACL in humans) many years ago. In order to keep her liver and kidneys happy, she is getting acupuncture instead of medications to suppress inflammation. The acupuncture helps prevent pain and keeps swelling/inflammation… Read more →

A magazine cover with a dog and its puppies.

Immune Mediated Diseases In Dogs: An Overview of a Growing Concern

Conventional medicine offers very limited treatment options for immune mediated diseases. Whatare some of the more common auto-immune diseases in dogs and how can holistic medicinehelp? This is the first article in a three part series on this topic. Your dog’s immune system helpsto keep him healthy every day.A properly functioning immunesystem can protect him from bacteria,parasites, viruses and even… Read more →

A woman is standing in the water petting an elephant.

Woodland Park Zoo Elephants Need Help

We want to send the Woodland Park Elephants to the Elephant Sanctuary. Did you know they cost the taxpayers of Seattle 800 K a year and their trip to the sanctuary is already paid for? You can go to www.freewpzelephants.com for more information. But right now the zoo wants to “expand” the elephant exhibit (note lack of room for expansion)… Read more →

A dog sitting on the floor looking up at something

Gracie’s IBD & Diarrhea Cured

Gracie, the two year old Golden with severe IBD and diarrhea is cured! Her total protein and her weight are both normal. No more acupuncture, reducing herbal treatment, but she will stay on her homemade diet of meat and veggies (cooked). She was hospitalized previously for a week, only to become sicker on immune-suppressing medications. In holistic medicine we do… Read more →

A dog with headphones and microphone on the side of it.

Dogs and Allergies

Itchy Skin? Chronic Ear Infections? Chronic Digestive Upset? Diarrhea? Reverse Sneezing? These are all symptoms of food/environmental allergies! Listen to my interview today with Dr Donna Kelleher, author of “The Proof is in the Poodle” and local holistic veterinarian. Dr. Donna Kelleher is very successful in treating animals with allergies without the use of steroids, antibiotics and immune suppressants. Read… Read more →

A white dog standing on top of a rug.

Treating Chipper’s Severe Allergies

Chipper is a four year-old whose skin allergies were so bad, his people took turns holding him at night to prevent him from chewing sores especially between the legs and around the tail. He had no fleas. The regular vet prescribed antibiotics (which helped) and steroids (which made him crazy). Both these medications had poor long term side effects. With… Read more →

A dog laying on the floor with its head down.

Treating Fonzie’s Stapholococcus Infection

This is Fonzie. He’s a hound dog with a stapholococcus infection. On his back there are little red circular patches with the hair missing. One round of antibiotics cleared it up but now it is back. We are using topical essential oils, Grapefruit seed extract twice a day, a raw diet and treating his underlying allergies with NAET. Check back… Read more →

A cat sitting on the floor looking at something.

Gently Treating Jenny’s Mast Cell Tumor

This is Jenny, a 17 year-old tabby cat. She sleeps at the crook of her human’s elbow. She was diagnosed with a mast-cell tumor on her right flank. Instead of surgery (she has a heart issue), we are trying herbs. When dogs get mast cell cancer, we should take quick action to remove the tumor. Usually, the herbs and occasional… Read more →