Dr. Donna tries Bikram yoga

Hi guys. I have been doing hatha yoga for fifteen years and it’s a life saver helping almost every medical issue. But last night I tried Bikram or hot yoga where the room is 105 degrees and you are encouraged not to leave. I walked in and everyone was flat out on the floor (presumably resting rather than passed out)… Read more →

A dog sitting on the floor looking at something.

Tommy says thanks!

Hi! My name is Tommy and I ran into a gate by accident and twisted my neck. I had trouble walking on my left side and I could not turn my head. After 2 chiropractic adjustments (very gentle, barely noticeable to the casual observer) and acupuncture treatments, I can run again. My person says I should remember not to run… Read more →

A large elephant walking down the street with people

Our Zoo Elephants want to go to the PAWS sanctuary

  This is a photo of the sanctuary in Chang Mai (www.elephantnaturefoundation.org). Despite her old age, note that this elephant’s face is not indented. Elephants in captivity without the ability to really walk have a different appearance. Go to www.friendsofWPZelephants.com for more information. We are in a time crunch and every call matters.Please contact our Seattle City Council to urge… Read more →

A woman standing next to a black horse.

Holistic Horse Training

I have been feverishly working on building the website: www.freespirithorsetraining.com to combine all types of positive horse training: clicker training, trick training, liberty horse training. As far as I know, it’s the only free step by step on-line how-to on liberty training available with videos. Still working on the management part of the site but the cutest thing is Tino… Read more →

A dog is sitting in the grass with its tongue hanging out.

Immune Mediated Diseases

As we learned in part one of this series of articles, immune mediated or autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system becomes confused and unable to distinguish self from foreign invaders. Vaccination is one likely cause of this confusion. Young animals are afflicted with autoimmune diseases more than older animals. Based on this information, it stands to reason that the… Read more →

A woman feeding a horse in the dirt.

Mick Loves Chamomile Tea!

Here I am giving my new Mustang baby Chamomile tea. Mick is from Oregon BLM herds. Please consider adopting a mustang over breeding. They are honest, confident and pure of heart and no bred horse has feet like this Mustang. They are the opposite of Charlie’s thin soled tiny poor excuses for hooves. Please watch all the videos on my… Read more →

A person petting the face of a dog.

The Tongue Says A Lot

What can you tell by a dog’s tongue. Hint: a lot!  See how this fellow has redness around the outside of his tongue but the center is pale purple? This is typical of a dog with liver heat and maybe prednisone which can heat the liver but deplete the kidney/spleen. The purple color means stagnation in those organs. The pale… Read more →