Nina defies diagnosis

Nina is an twelve year-old Japanese chin. Over a year ago she was given a grave diagnosis of heart disease and pulmonary hypertension added to her arthritis and chronic cystitis. She was having syncope which is a little like fainting spells. Thanks to our local cardiologist (who gave her just a few months to live) some traditional medications and a long list of helpful herbs and supplements to support her imbalances, she is as feisty as ever. Conventional medicines are Sildeniphil, Vetmedin and Lasix, all at very low levels. Daily supplements are: Chinese herbal tincture to support the liver and heart, fresh ground cilantro, CoQ10, organic spiraling mix from my website, glucosamine sulfate, not HCl, probiotics, DL Methionine and cranberry as well as a calcium rich homemade diet.



nina chin

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