Category: Secondary Skin Infections

Back of a dog’s head

Week in the Life of Holistic Vet:

Hi people! Today I thought I would post a wrap up of cases from this week as a change from the usual posts where I focus on one dog at a time. Four older dog arthritis cases got better:  Some from just chiropractic and acupuncture; some with herbs such as boswellia, corydalis, dogwood and boneset powders in the food, some… Read more →

A small poodle

Treating Chipper’s Severe Allergies

Chipper is a four year-old whose skin allergies were so bad, his people took turns holding him at night to prevent him from chewing sores especially between the legs and around the tail. He had no fleas. The regular vet prescribed antibiotics (which helped) and steroids (which made him crazy). Both these medications had poor long term side effects. With… Read more →