We support activism and action to preserve our oceans. This is Dr. Jeff diving in Costa Rica. The sharks of the world need our help. Please do not allow your friends to use shark cartilage or eat shark fin soup. This is a baby whale shark (only 20 feet long) He was a friendly fellow.

Banc de vivaneaux (Lutjanus novemfasciatus). Plongée à El Barco. Isla del Cano. Péninsule d’Osa. Costa Rica.

Requin baleine (Rhincodon typus) Plongée à El Bajo del Diablo. Isla del Cano. Péninsule d’Osa. Costa Rica.

Requin baleine (Rhincodon typus) Plongée à El Bajo del Diablo. Isla del Cano. Péninsule d’Osa. Costa Rica.