Pacific NW Plants: A photo journey of the healing plants of my backyard here in WA state; a brief intro of each herb including Angelica, Devil’s club, Corydalis, Nettle, Cleavers, Cascara and Yew.
Skin Cases Advanced: Itchy dogshave become something of an epidemic in veterinary medicine nowencompassing over sixty percent of my practice. This talk is aimed at veterinarians trying to rule out and treat secondary infections versus primary allergies. What are the most common food allergies and how to address thisproblem. In my practice, I use NAET but I will trouble shoot food allergies based on my experience to help you weigh throughthis growing dilemma.
IHS Mission:
“At the IHS, we strive to bring together plant lovers & herbalists who represent the various aspects of herbalism from folkloric to clinical, farming and gardening, to shamanic and plant spirit teachings. We strongly feel that by interfacing and coming together in the spirit of the green, we can best expand our community, not only locally, but globally, creating a mycorrhizal network that helps to ‘shape shift’ the world of health and healing into a better world for all…”