A logo of the 5 element

5 Elements Interview

When did your interest in Veterinary Medicine begin? A lot of this is in my book “The Proof is in the Poodle”. When I was thirteen I wanted to be a Vet when my horse Bill got hurt (turned out to be a foot abscess) but my Mom said I wasn’t good enough in math and science (family support was… Read more →

A green background with the words natural choice network written in white.

The Poop on Holistic Pet Care

Americans, as most of us know, have been visiting chiropractors, naturopaths and massage therapists in droves in recent years. The alternative medicine phenomenon has landed on television news programs and the cover of national news magazines. But alternative healthcare isn’t just for people. These days, millions of Americans are taking Fido, Whiskers and other pets to acupuncturists, homeopaths and other… Read more →

A green plant is growing in the middle of leaves.

How Old Am I?

On one of our plant identification walks at Sage Mountain, we ran across this little fella. Although it looks like a sapling that might have sprung up overnight, it’s actually taken five years just to grow this big. The plant is Sacred American Ginseng, and it is highly sought after for its properties to work as an “adaptogen” in the… Read more →

A woman pointing to a white board on a tripod.

Herbal Leanings

In June, I attended an herbal training with Rosemary Gladstar at Sage Mountain Herbal Learning Center in Vermont. As many of my patients know, I employ Chinese medicine in my practice, which often includes the administration of herbs to help open up energy pathways, decrease blood stagnation and control inflammation among other things. This workshop gave me the opportunity to… Read more →

A man is walking with his horse in the grass.

Tino and Liberty Horse Training, Part 1

Here is a video of Tino and me working together using techniques I learned last June on a trip to Liberty Horse Training at Robin Gates’ beautiful Rising Moon Ranch in Sonoma, California, about an hour north of San Francisco. Liberty Horse Training provides a truly revolutionary, entirely positive approach to working with horses. (By the way, can you believe… Read more →

A black horse standing in the dirt with its head down.

Tino the Wonder Horse

Looking at him today, it is hard for me to believe that my horse Tino was ever in this bad of shape. Tino was seized, along with a number of other badly neglected horses, by Skagit County animal control officers. After being in foster care for three weeks, I welcomed him into our family. The lesson I’ve learned from Tino… Read more →

A horse standing in the barn with its back legs crossed.

Horse Lessons

Holistic vet Dr. Karen Mueller recently showed me how to adjust a horse’s sternum. This is particularly useful in a horse that pins his ears angrily when you tighten his girth. Here are three pictures of the same horse as he is standing with his legs in the same position (square under him). His legs did not move during time… Read more →

A man holding two tongs and a bottle of beer.

Grill Time

Here is Jeff posing in front of the grill. The only lesson in grills we got from beer commercials. Since we don’t have a television, they’re old commercials. To get in the spirit of grilling, Jeff is enjoying a Fish Ale, which he generally does not drink, and acting like he knows what he is doing. Ugh, vegetarians! By this… Read more →

A close up of some food on the ground


Jeff and I recently attended a two-day seminar on mushroom cultivation presented by Fungi Perfecti, a grower of medicinal mushrooms near Olympia. Author and mushroom guru Paul Stamets along with Fungi Perfecti staff taught us tissue culture, spawn generation techniques, substrate preparation, inoculation techniques and strategies for maximizing yields. Mushrooms play a huge role in boosting our pets (and our… Read more →

A dog with flowers on its head and ears.

Hannah’s story

Hannah lives with a less serious form of lymphoma but all forms are not good I guess. This is an update two plus years after her diagnosis. She has needed no chemotherapy, no radiation and no prednisone. I thought maybe her owner’s words would be better than mine. “In May 2008, my husband Will was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Two… Read more →

A black and white cat laying on the floor

Meet Kitty, 5 year-old male neutered domestic long hair rescue

History: Mild hyperesthesia or skin twitching around his back end. When we touched his sacrum, he licked incessantly at his front foot. Conventional treatment: None. This condition is not readily treated using Western medicine. Usually, anti-inflammatories including steroids, or prednisone, are used. Current holistic therapies: Chiropractic and acupuncture and NAET to find that Kitty had a chicken allergy that accentuated… Read more →

A woman sitting on the floor with her dog.

Meet Carlos, 8 year-old male neutered mixed breed

History: Mild allergies manifesting as itchy skin, hip dysplasia on left hip, moderate partial tear of right cranial cruciate Current problems: Holding right hind leg up when he is too active, cries when he gets up. Conventional treatments: NSAIDs and surgery, both of which the owner declined. Current Holistic therapy: Acupuncture, chiropractic, aquapuncture around the hips and knees (into specific… Read more →