Feline hyperthyroid disease is very common in cats over the age of ten years old. We think some of the causes may be excess iodine levels in the commercial food, excess halogenation (Bromine, or bromide, Flouride, Chloride from water and flame retardants) which competitively bumps iodine off receptors in the thyroid gland, excess heavy metals in food and environment, excess… Read more →
Category: Thyroid imbalance
Feline hyperthyroidism
Even taking methimazole daily, Lilly’s thyroid level was over 20. She is eighteen years old and for over a year, her T4 level remained at 20 times normal levels. Regular vets recommended radiation. She howled at night and twitched with mini seizures. Herbs for 2 weeks brought her T4 to 3 and her symptoms are better too. Without increasing her… Read more →