This is a photo of the sanctuary in Chang Mai ( Despite her old age, note that this elephant’s face is not indented. Elephants in captivity without the ability to really walk have a different appearance. Go to for more information. We are in a time crunch and every call matters.Please contact our Seattle City Council to urge… Read more →
Category: Elephants
Speak up for the WPZ elephants today!
Today Jan 27 at 3:30 at the WPZ education building. We need people to show up and wear orange and speak out to put pressure on the zoo to release these creatures to the sanctuary. Read more →
Woodland Park Zoo Elephants Need Help
We want to send the Woodland Park Elephants to the Elephant Sanctuary. Did you know they cost the taxpayers of Seattle 800 K a year and their trip to the sanctuary is already paid for? You can go to for more information. But right now the zoo wants to “expand” the elephant exhibit (note lack of room for expansion)… Read more →
Tino and Liberty Horse Training, Part 2
One more post and I will get off my “horse kick”! Here are Tino and I working together in another video using the techniques I learned at Liberty Horse Training. At the end Tino gives Jeff, who was running the video camera, a little glance as if to say, “Not bad, eh?” In the next few days, I will be… Read more →