Donna and Maude
Dr. Donna Kelleher has practiced in Seattle, WA, using holistic modalities for the treatment of chronic diseases in dogs and cats.
Dr. Donna Kelleher is the author of 3 books on holistic pet care and veterinary medicine based on her experiences treating pets for over thirty years using acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal therapies and nutrition. Her goal has always been “safety first” and “above all, do no harm.” She is currently taking an educational sabbatical to study in Europe and unable to see patients at this time. Please check regularly with her to see if she offers virtual telemedicine, Zoom classes and in the future, scheduling for clinical work. Her goal is to work in a large complementary practice once she returns to the veterinary work because the best way to make change is for conventional veterinarians to personally see the results. Follow her incredible unfolding journey starting in 2024 on YT and IG on her handle, PetDocDonna.
For a holistic veterinarian in your area, please contact www.ahvma.org www.tcvm.com www.ivas.org www.vbma.org
Please ask your regular veterinarian to take further training in holistic veterinary medicine!